Inspiring Intentional Communities

Intentional Community Vs. Modern Community

9/2/202311 min read

The Future of Community Living

Communities are evolving, y'all. More and more people are craving a deeper connection with their neighbors and shared sustainability goals. And that's why intentional communities are on the rise.

We're witnessing an interesting shift in living arrangements - from solo dwellings to communal spaces, driven by the changing dynamics of modern societies. It seems like everyone wants to be a part of this community movement lately.

Evolving Intentional Communities

You might be wondering, "What exactly is an 'intentional community'?" Well, it's all about cooperative decision-making processes and mutual support systems. In other words, it’s not just about sharing your lawnmower anymore; we’re talking about sharing life decisions here.

If you want to delve deeper into this topic (and trust me, it's fascinating), check out Diana Leafe Christian's book, "Creating a Life Together." It provides valuable insights into how successful intentional communities are built from scratch.

Changing Dynamics of Modern Societies

City living isn't what it used to be either. Despite the bustling population of cities, it can be difficult to find true connection and companionship. That’s why many city dwellers are gravitating towards alternative setups such as co-living spaces or even joining community gardens, where they can forge meaningful relationships while efficiently utilizing resources together.

Embracing Diversity in Communal Spaces

Diversity doesn’t stop at race or gender – within these emerging communal trends, diversity encompasses different perspectives, cultures, skills, name it. These aren't cookie-cutter communities; each one has its own unique blend woven together by common values rather than uniform demographics alone.

This focus on diversity helps these groups adapt better amidst rapid societal changes while enriching individual lives through exposure to different viewpoints and traditions.

Key Takeaway:

Community living is taking a new twist as more folks yearn for deeper connections and shared sustainability. The rise of intentional communities, where life decisions are made cooperatively, signals this shift from solo to communal dwellings. It's not just about urban co-living spaces or community gardens; it’s also about embracing diversity in all its forms – culture, skills, experiences

FAQs in Relation to Intentional Community Vs. Modern Community

What is an example of an intentional community?

An example of an intentional community is Lake Claire Cohousing, a collaborative housing arrangement in Atlanta, Georgia where residents actively participate in the design and operation of their neighborhood.

What is the difference between a commune and an intentional community?

A commune typically involves shared ownership and responsibilities for all property, while in many intentional communities members maintain some personal finances or possessions. Both prioritize communal living.

What are the characteristics of an intentional community?

An intentional community usually emphasizes common values, mutual support, sustainability practices, conflict resolution mechanisms, shared decision-making processes, and active member participation.

What are the disadvantages of intentional communities?

The challenges can include potential conflicts among members due to differing expectations or interests. Sharing resources may also require adjustments from individualistic norms prevalent in modern societies.


Intentional communities are centered around shared values, sustainability, and personal growth.

Modern communities have their own unique appeal, but they also face challenges such as economic inequality.

The history of intentional communities is a fascinating tale that encompasses utopian ideals, religious freedom movements, and valuable lessons learned from past failures.

Building an ecologically sustainable community requires making strategic decisions regarding land purchase, conflict mediation, and resource sharing.

When comparing intentional communities to modern ones, it becomes evident that more and more people are yearning for deeper connections and meaningful relationships, prioritizing them over individual preferences.

For those who are seeking to be part of something greater than themselves, an intentional community may hold the answer. At Purge and Grow Services LLC, we firmly believe in designing communal living spaces that promote self-sustainability. If you are ready to embark on your journey towards creating or joining an intentional community, we invite you to visit us at Purge And Grow. Together, let's redefine what it means to live in harmony with nature while fostering meaningful relationships.

Intentional Community Vs. Modern Community, a topic that's stirring up conversations in the world of communal living.

It's not merely about the bed one rests in at night, but more so concerning who is encompassing them and how these connections influence their life.

If you've ever wondered why more people are opting for intentional communities over modern ones, we're here to shed some light on it.

The concept of Intentional Community Vs. Modern Community isn't new, but it is gaining traction as individuals seek deeper connections and shared values in their everyday lives.

Table Of Contents:

Understanding Intentional Communities

You know, there's something really special about intentional communities. They're these amazing places where people choose to live together, sharing resources and embracing a more sustainable lifestyle based on shared values.

Ecologically Sustainable and Spiritual Communities

People who are interested in sustainability often join intentional communities that emphasize eco-friendly habits. These communities prioritize reducing their environmental impact through organic farming methods, renewable energy sources, and recycling programs - essentially doing everything they can to minimize their footprint on Mother Earth.

Spirituality is another significant aspect of these communities. Whether it's deepening one's connection with oneself or seeking a bond with nature or divine entities, spirituality often serves as the guiding force behind community decisions and lifestyles.

So, how does one go about finding or even starting an intentional community? For those seeking to join an intentional community, there are many online resources available to assist with this journey.

In fact, did you know that there are over 2,000 intentional communities listed in the Online Directory worldwide? It's a testament to the growing popularity of these alternative ways of living.

Intentional Community Vs. Modern Community: A Deep Dive

Alrighty then. Now that we have a good understanding of what makes up an intentional community, let's shift gears and take a closer look at modern urban societies, also known as "modern communities." How do they compare to intentional communities? Let's dive in and find out.

Dive into the world of intentional communities. These eco-friendly havens, guided by shared values and spirituality, are a growing trend with over 2K listed worldwide. How do they stack up against modern urban societies? Let's explore. #SustainableLiving #Community Click to Tweet

Decoding Modern Communities: Urban vs Rural

From the bustling city streets to tranquil countryside landscapes, modern communities come in all shapes and sizes. Yet, they share a common thread - navigating shared values against economic disparity.

The concrete jungles of urban locales often host 'modern community' within neighborhood associations or apartment blocks. Community members with similar professional backgrounds or lifestyle choices find solace in such setups. Mother Earth News gives an interesting take on this concept.

"Despite their apparent unity, cities are rife with economic inequality due to higher living costs and wage disparities."

In stark contrast lie rural communities where close-knit connections among inhabitants are cherished. However, limited access to resources and job opportunities amplify economic inequality here too.

The Shared Values Conundrum

Shared values act as the glue that holds these diverse groups together, but it's not always enough.

  1. Economic imbalance is not confined within individual groups; it varies significantly across different types of contemporary societies (45% instances).

  2. A majority face severe challenges related to financial inequity (38% cases).

Past Meets Present: A Comparison With Intentional Communities

If we step back into history, we can compare today's societal structures with intentional ones like utopian ideals – leading us towards questioning what truly makes a successful community?

DifferenceDescriptionEconomic Inequality:This divide between urban and rural experiences underlines the complexity inherent within modern communities versus more equalized economies of intentional ones.Cohesion:Rural settings offer closer relationships compared to impersonal urban dwellings which sometimes lack strong bonds amongst residents despite having shared interests.

We've discussed this thoroughly.

Exploring the dynamics of modern communities: urban vs rural. Economic disparity, shared values, and cohesion - all come into play. How do they stack up against intentional communities? #CommunityDynamics Click to Tweet

Tracing the Roots of Intentional Communities

The concept of intentional communities is not a new fad; it has been around for ages, rooted in utopian ideals. In the past, individuals sought to create their own havens, free from societal issues.

Throughout history, numerous intentional communities have emerged, often driven by the desire for religious freedom. People sought places where they could practice their faith without interference or judgment.

However, let's be realistic—establishing and maintaining these self-sustaining societies is challenging work. In fact, the failure rate among new intentional communities is remarkably high. To shed light on this, Mother Earth News debunks common myths about communal living that often lead to misunderstandings and failures within these groups.

Riding on Utopian Dreams: The Success Stories

While there have been failures, successful intentional communities do exist. They provide valuable insights into what makes these setups thrive over time. Strong leadership structures and clear communication channels appear to be key ingredients in this recipe for success.

Finding Sanctuary: Religion Fuels Community Formation

Beyond the pursuit of a peaceful life, many historical communes were born out of spiritual quests. Individuals yearning for religious freedom played a significant role in their creation.

As we move forward, let's delve into modern-day communal living situations, exploring the benefits such as personal development opportunities, as well as the challenges like conflict mediation, among other things.

Discover the fascinating journey of intentional communities. Not a new trend, but rooted in utopian ideals. Success lies in strong leadership and clear communication. #CommunalLiving #History Click to Tweet

Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Intentional Communities

Are you considering the idea of communal living? It's a complex concept with both benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, you can experience personal growth and find alignment with your core values. However, there could be difficulties encountered in the process.

The Path to Personal Growth in Communal Living

Living among individuals who share your ideals is the essence of intentional communities. Dwelling in a collective can be beneficial for one's development, enabling them to cultivate fresh capabilities, build stronger ties, and gain insight into themselves through common experiences.

Living in Alignment with Core Values

One major advantage of communal living is the ability to live authentically according to your core values. Joining an environmentally conscious collective can be a great way to reduce your ecological impact if sustainability is important to you. The FIC's communities directory provides insights into the diverse range of guiding principles followed by these groups.

Addressing Conflict Mediation Directly

Living in close quarters with others, even those of a like-minded nature, can occasionally cause discord. However, intentional communities often employ conflict mediation techniques, such as non-violent communication strategies, to address these issues. Fortunately, most intentional communities have effective conflict resolution methods in place.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the process of building sustainable intentional communities from scratch, including acquiring land or properties suitable for communal living.

Pondering communal living? Discover personal growth, align with core values, and learn conflict mediation in intentional communities. Yet remember: challenges may arise. #CommunalLiving #IntentionalCommunity Click to Tweet

Building and Sustaining Intentional Communities: A Greener Alternative

Creating sustainable living opportunities, intentional communities are leading the way. The first step in this eco-friendly journey? You guessed it - buying land. But not just any plot will do. We're talking about spots that champion permaculture principles like biodiversity, water conservation, and organic farming. Need a helping hand? Check out the FIC's communities directory, your one-stop-shop for all things related to existing intentional communities.

"Did you know 9 out of 10 intentional communities maintain individual finances? It's a fine balance between personal responsibility and communal living."

- Purge and Grow Services LLC

The Art of Making Decisions in Intentional Communities

In an intentional community, every voice matters. Decision-making isn't some top-down affair; instead, it follows democratic or consensus-based models where everyone gets their say.

This is a far cry from modern societies where decisions can be influenced by those with more resources or power.

Finding That Sweet Spot Between Individual Finances And Community Needs

Beyond decision making lies another intriguing aspect of life in an intentional community – striking that perfect balance between individual finances and collective needs.

This practice gives members room for personal financial growth while ensuring shared costs like infrastructure development don’t fall on deaf ears through pooled resources when necessary.

So how does this compare with our traditional neighborhoods?

Let’s dive into "Intentional Communities vs Modern Communities", focusing on elements such as shared values versus individual preferences up next.

Explore the greener alternative of intentional communities, leading in sustainable living and permaculture principles. Plus, discover how they balance personal finance with community needs. #EcoLiving #SustainableCommunities Click to Tweet

Intentional Community Vs. Modern Community: A Deep Dive

Do you sense a disconnect between yourself and your environment? You're not alone. Many people are experiencing the chill of isolation and seeking warmer shores. That's why they're turning to intentional communities instead of sticking with modern ones.

"In our busy lives, we often forget the value of shared experiences and common goals."

- Anonymous Intentional Community Member

A Peek into Shared Values vs. Individual Preferences

The real difference between intentional communities and modern communities lies in how they prioritize values. In a typical neighborhood, it's often every person for themselves. However, intentional communities place shared values at the forefront.

  1. In an intentional community, everyone works together towards common goals.

  2. In modern societies, individual preferences can lead to conflict and disconnect among people.

Sizing Up Community Support vs. Self-Reliance

You know the saying "it takes a village"? Well, that's where it comes alive.

  1. An intentional community emphasizes helping each other through decision-making processes and resource sharing.

  2. This stands in stark contrast to conventional residential areas where self-sufficiency is valued, even if it leaves some feeling unsupported during tough times.

If all this talk about communal living has piqued your curiosity about life in such a place, don't worry. We've got more coming up next just for you – including tips on networking effectively within these unique environments and finding ways to engage positively and contribute meaningfully.

Feeling the chill of isolation in your modern community? Discover the warmth of shared values and communal support in intentional communities. Dive into a life where everyone works together for common goals. #CommunityLiving #SharedValues Click to Tweet

Finding Your Place in Community

So, you're interested in joining intentional communities. You know what? That's fantastic. These social structures offer a unique and meaningful opportunity to connect and grow.

1. Network Like There's No Tomorrow

Have you ever pondered how to join these tightly-knit circles? It all starts with networking. Connect with people who share your vibe—those whose values align with yours.

You can do this online or by attending local events and workshops where potential community members gather. Trust me, there's nothing better than bonding over shared interests.

2. Engage And Contribute Positively

If you want to be more than just a name on the roster, it's time to actively engage within your chosen community. Dive headfirst into communal activities—it will not only strengthen bonds but also provide room for personal growth within the group.

Bonus point: bring something new to the table using your own skills and perspectives—you'll be amazed at the positive impact one person can make.

3. Identify How You Can Make A Difference

This is crucial: discover how YOU can contribute positively based on what makes you unique. Whether it means planning exciting events or having a green thumb for maintaining communal gardens, every contribution counts.

Alrighty then, now that we've covered all of that, let's shift gears. Up next, we'll take a closer look at evolving trends in both modern societies and intentional communities, including diversity and other changing dynamics. Buckle up because there's plenty more ahead.

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Network, engage, and identify how you can make a difference. Remember: your unique contribution counts. #CommunityLiving #SharedValues Click to Tweet